cudley | Posts: 6

eSignLive Event Notifications

0 votes
Is there a way to get notifications from eSignLive when certain events happen? For example, if we send out a document for signature and the person signs or declines the package, is there a way to receive notifications about this so our system can react appropriately?

Approved Answer
harishaidary | Posts: 1812

Reply to: eSignLive Event Notifications

0 votes
Have a look at this blog: It shows you how to setup callback event notifications. Hope this helps!
Haris Haidary OneSpan Technical Consultant

jnowakowski | Posts: 10

Reply to: eSignLive Event Notifications

1 votes
After registering for several types of event notifications, is there any way to use the .NET SDK to turn off all event notifications?

harishaidary | Posts: 1812

Reply to: eSignLive Event Notifications

0 votes
The only workaround I would have for you is setting your callback url and key to empty as such:
String URL = "";
String KEY = "";
Haris Haidary OneSpan Technical Consultant

dejan_lukic7ho… | Posts: 15

Reply to: eSignLive Event Notifications

0 votes
I think you documentation explains well how to set up callbacks. But there is not a word how to handle those on client side (controller method). Its obvious that callback will send back JSON payload. I have a few questions: 1. Is it possible to debug this behind corporate firewall. 2. What is the name of Json payload parameter. I suppose that it will be sent in string format '{name:"xxxx", message:"dafasd"....}' Do you have a method signature or at least partial implementation for controller method preferably in C#.

harishaidary | Posts: 1812

Reply to: eSignLive Event Notifications

0 votes
Hey Dejan, I'll answer as best I can regarding your questions. 1. You would have to talk to your IT department about what you need to do to pass through the firewall. I'm not a networking expert, but I'm guessing they could open the port you're needing to listen on and possibly add to a safe site list. 2. If you look at our docs, you will find what you need to handle each notification. It includes the JSON payload dispatched by the server. I apologize for the confusion. We are actively working on improving our documentation. Documentation is a priority going forward and you will see some changes over the coming months. Hope this helps!
Haris Haidary OneSpan Technical Consultant

romainlefebvre | Posts: 5

Reply to: eSignLive Event Notifications

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Hi Haris, The question might sound crazy but is there a way to manually retrieve the notification events with the Java SDK? The reason is that, at this moment, we can't expose a service outside to receive the notification events you would send us. And we'd like to get all the events occuring with the package and its documents. Thanks

harishaidary | Posts: 1812

Reply to: eSignLive Event Notifications

0 votes
Hey Romain, Unfortunately, it's not possible to retrieve the event notifications with the Java SDK. This is because whenever your selected events happen, eSignLive sends a POST request with the JSON to the URL you specified. If you want to simply look at the JSON returned by eSignLive, you can put your email address as the URL for callback event notifications.
Haris Haidary OneSpan Technical Consultant

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