JasonE | Posts: 13

Retrieve signing blocks on a document by SignerId

0 votes
Hello, I am wondering if there is a way to retrieve signing blocks on a single document for a specific signer and then check whether or not the signer has signed at least one of the signing blocks on the document. Thanks.

Approved Answer
harishaidary | Posts: 1812

Reply to: Retrieve signing blocks on a document by SignerId

1 votes
I'm assuming you mean sign programmatically all signatures on one document only. Unfortunately, it is not currently possible to do so in eSignLive. I'm not sure if this is something that will be added in future releases but you can always make an enhancement request. You can post your request here: https://developer.esignlive.com/forums/forum/general/enhancement-ideas/ Our product management team regularly checks these for enhancement ideas coming from customers :)

harishaidary | Posts: 1812

Reply to: Retrieve signing blocks on a document by SignerId

1 votes
Hey Jason, What I can suggest you is to use the ApprovalService to retrieve all signable signatures on a document for a signer. Once you have that, you can loop through the list and retrieve the "accepted" date time. If it returns a value, it means that the signer has signed that specific field. Else, if it returns empty, then the signer hasn't signed it yet. Here's a sample code:
EslClient client = new EslClient(key, url);

PackageId packageId = new PackageId("-Cd6_Syra8A0EKsE2NX6odsgS4c=");

DocumentPackage package = client.GetPackage(packageId);

IList signatures = client.ApprovalService.GetAllSignableSignatures(package, "884d8ebdfd71de20", "Signer1");

foreach (Signature signature in signatures)
Let me know if this works for you.

JasonE | Posts: 13

Reply to: Retrieve signing blocks on a document by SignerId

0 votes
Thank you for the quick reply, this works great! I do have a follow up question now. Is there a way to sign the unsigned blocks with a click to apply stamp, similar to how the 'client.SignDocuments(packageId, signerId)' works, but only for the one document?

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