To download the full code sample see our Code Share site.

Fields enable the placement of additional data in a document at the time of signing. Like signature fields, non-signature fields can be placed anywhere inside a document. Nonetheless, each field is linked to a particular signature. Only the signer of that signature can assign or change the field's value. Once the signature is signed, however, the value of the field cannot be changed by anyone.

You cannot add fields to: (1) documents that are Accept Only; (2) the Electronic Consent form; (3) documents in an accessible transaction.

Adding a Field to a Document

To add a field on a document, you will first need to create your Field object using the OneSpan Sign FieldBuilder. The following code will do this:

 Field field = FieldBuilder.label()   .withId(new FieldId("myLabelField"))   .withValue("Example label field value")   .atPosition(100, 200)   .onPage(0)   .build(); 

Then, using the OneSpan SignApprovalService, add your field to your document. Use the Field object, PackageID, SignatureID, and documentID as parameters. The following code will do this:

 String labelFieldId = client.getApprovalService().addField(packageId, "sample-contract", signatureid, field); 

Updating a Field in a Document

It is important to note that when updating a field, your new Field object must have the same id as the field you want to update.

The following code will do this:

 Field updatedField = FieldBuilder.signatureDate()   .onPage(0)   .withId(new FieldId("myLabelField"))   .atPosition(100, 200)   .build();   client.getApprovalService().updateField(packageId, "sample-contract", new SignatureId("ExampleSignatureId"), updatedField); 

Deleting a Field in a Document

To delete a field, use the OneSpan SignApprovalService. Use the Field object, PackageID, SignatureID, and documentID as parameters. The following code will do this:

 client.getApprovalService().deleteField(packageId, "sample-contract", new SignatureId("ExampleSignatureId"), new FieldId("myLabelField")); 


Once you have run your code, your fields will appear in your transaction's documents.

To download the full code sample see our Code Share site.

Fields enable the placement of additional data in a document at the time of signing. Like signature fields, non-signature fields can be placed anywhere inside a document. Nonetheless, each field is linked to a particular signature. Only the signer of that signature can assign or change the field's value. Once the signature is signed, however, the value of the field cannot be changed by anyone.

You cannot add fields to: (1) documents that are Accept Only; (2) the Electronic Consent form; (3) documents in an accessible transaction.

Adding a Field to a Document

To add a field on a document, you will first need to create your Field object using the OneSpan Sign FieldBuilder, as shown below.

 Field field = FieldBuilder.Label()   .WithId("myLabelField")   .WithValue("Example label field value")   .AtPosition(100, 200)   .OnPage(0)   .Build(); 

Then, using the OneSpan SignApprovalService, add your field to your document. Use the Field object, PackageID, SignatureID, and documentID as parameters. The following code will do this:

 string labelFieldId = client.ApprovalService.AddField(packageId, "sample-contract", signatureid, field); 

Updating a Field in a Document

It is important to note that when updating a field, your new Field object must have the same id as the field you want to update.

The following code will do this:

 Field updatedField = FieldBuilder.SignatureDate()   .OnPage(0)   .WithId("myLabelField")   .AtPosition(100, 200)   .Build();   client.ApprovalService.ModifyField(packageId, "sample-contract", new SignatureId("ExampleSignatureId"), updatedField); 

Deleting a Field in a Document

To delete a field, use the OneSpan SignApprovalService. Use the Field object, PackageID, SignatureID, and documentID as parameters. The following code will do this:

 client.ApprovalService.DeleteField(packageId, "sample-contract", new SignatureId("ExampleSignatureId"), "myLabelField"); 


Once you have run your code, your fields will appear in your transaction's documents.

To download the full code sample see our Code Share site.

Fields enable the placement of additional data in a document at the time of signing. Like signature fields, non-signature fields can be placed anywhere inside a document. Nonetheless, each field is linked to a particular signature. Only the signer of that signature can assign or change the field's value. Once the signature is signed, however, the value of the field cannot be changed by anyone.

You cannot add fields to: (1) documents that are Accept Only; (2) the Electronic Consent form; (3) documents in an accessible transaction.

Adding a Field to a Document

The sample request below shows you how to add a field to an existing document:

HTTP Request

POST /api/packages/{packageId}/documents/{documentId}/approvals/{approvalId}/fields

HTTP Headers

 Accept: application/json; esl-api-version=11.21   Content-Type: application/json   Authorization: Basic api_key 

Request Payload

 {   "name":"Signer Name",   "top":500,   "left":300,   "width":100,   "height":30,   "page":0,   "type":"INPUT",   "value":null,   "binding":"{}",   "subtype":"LABEL"   } 

Response Payload

 {   "binding": "{}",   "validation": null,   "id": "BsZv3XvmpsMH",   "page": 0,   "data": null,   "subtype": "LABEL",   "top": 500,   "height": 30,   "extractAnchor": null,   "width": 100,   "extract": false,   "left": 300,   "type": "INPUT",   "value": "{}",   "name": "Signer Name"   } 

Updating a Field in a Document

It is important to note that when updating a field, your new Field object must have the same id as the field you want to update.

To update a field, you will need to make a PUT request to:{packageId}/documents/{documentId}/approvals/{signatureId}/fields/{fieldId} 

With the updated field parameters:

 {   "id": "myLabelField",   "top": 200,   "left": 100,   "width": 250,   "height": 50,   "page": 0,   "type": "INPUT",   "binding": "{approval.signed}",   "subtype": "LABEL"   } 

Deleting a Field in a Document

Deleting a field is done by making a DELETE request to:{packageId}/documents/{documentId}/approvals/{signatureId}/fields/{fieldId} 


Once you have run your code, your fields will appear in your transaction's documents.

Form-Building Fields

The following describe the parameters and JSON code that can be used to add fields to a document.

Signature Fields



Used to collect a signature from a recipient.

  "type": "SIGNATURE",
  "subtype": "FULLNAME",
  "id": "signer1_signature1",
  "name": "signer1_signature1",
  "width": 185.5958549222798,
  "height": 41.24352331606218,
  "left": 305.2020725388601,
  "top": 357.5083117443869,
  "page": 0

Input Fields

Text FieldThis field accepts any text entered by the signer prior to signing.
    "type": "INPUT",
    "subtype": "TEXTFIELD",
    "id": "signer1_textfield1",
    "name": "signer1_textfield1",
    "validation": {
        "required": false,
        "maxLength": null,
        "errorMessage": "",
        "minLength": null,
        "pattern": ""
    "value": "default value",
    "width": 185.5958549222798,
    "height": 41.24352331606218,
    "left": 305.2020725388601,
    "top": 425,
    "page": 0
Text Area

This is a multi-line area that accepts any text entered by the signer prior to signing.

  "type": "INPUT",
  "subtype": "TEXTAREA",
  "id": "signer1_textarea1",
  "name": "signer1_textarea1",
  "validation": {
    "required": false,
    "maxLength": null,
    "errorMessage": "",
    "minLength": null,
    "pattern": ""
  "value": "line1\nline2\nline3",
  "width": 185.5958549222798,
  "height": 41.24352331606218,
  "left": 305.2020725388601,
  "top": 476,
  "page": 0

(with checkbox group)

This is a check box that the signer can either select or clear. Use check boxes when you want to enable signers to choose more than one option in a list.

Use Checkbox Group to place selected checkboxes in a group of associated boxes. If the sender sets any box in a group as required, then during signing the signer must select at least one member of the group.

  "type": "INPUT",
  "subtype": "CHECKBOX",
  "id": "signer1_checkbox1",
  "name": "signer1_checkbox1",
  "validation": {
    "required": false,
    "group": "CheckboxGroup1",
    "minimumRequired": 1,
    "maximumRequired": null
  "value": "X",
  "tooltip": "field tooltip",
  "width": 20,
  "height": 20,
  "left": 453,
  "top": 789,
  "page": 0

(without checkbox group)

  "type": "INPUT",
  "subtype": "CHECKBOX",
  "id": "signer1_checkbox2",
  "name": "signer1_checkbox2",
  "value": "X",
  "tooltip": "field tooltip",
  "width": 20,
  "height": 20,
  "left": 453,
  "top": 789,
  "page": 0

Radio buttons enable signers to select one of many predefined options. Use radio buttons when you want signers to choose only one option.

Use Radio Group to place selected radio buttons in a group of associated buttons. You can identify one button in the group as the Default, thus ensuring that it will be pre-selected.

  "type": "INPUT",
  "subtype": "RADIO",
  "id": "signer1_radio1",
  "name": "signer1_radio1",
  "validation": {
    "required": true,
    "enum": [
  "value": "X",
  "tooltip": "field tooltip",
  "width": 18.0,
  "height": 18.0,
  "left": 389.0,
  "top": 785.0,
  "page": 0

This is a drop-down list that offers recipients multiple predefined options. The signer can choose one option from the list. Once that option is selected, only that option is displayed, thus minimizing the amount of space this element occupies on the screen.

  "type": "INPUT",
  "subtype": "LIST",
  "id": "signer1_list1",
  "name": "signer1_list1",
  "validation": {
    "required": false,
    "enum": [
  "value": "option1",
  "tooltip": "field tooltip",
  "width": 249.0,
  "height": 55.0,
  "left": 274.0,
  "top": 813.0,
  "page": 0

This is a read only label that will be stamped on the PDF.

  "type": "INPUT",
  "subtype": "LABEL",
  "id": "signer1_label1",
  "name": "signer1_label1",
  "value": "label value",
  "width": 185.5958549222798,
  "height": 41.24352331606218,
  "left": 305.2020725388601,
  "top": 626,
  "page": 0

Binding Fields

Signing Date


This autofield stamps the document with the date and time of the signature .

  "type": "INPUT",
  "subtype": "LABEL",
  "id": "signer1_signingdate1",
  "name": "signer1_signingdate1",
  "binding": "{approval.signed}",
  "width": 185.5958549222798,
  "height": 41.24352331606218,
  "left": 305.2020725388601,
  "top": 357.5083117443869,
  "page": 0
Signer Name


This autofield stamps the document with the signer's name as it was entered on the transaction.

  "type": "INPUT",
  "subtype": "LABEL",
  "id": "signer1_signername",
  "name": "signer1_signername",
  "binding": "{}",
  "width": 185.5958549222798,
  "height": 41.24352331606218,
  "left": 305.2020725388601,
  "top": 562,
  "page": 0
Signer TitleThis autofield stamps the document with the title of the signer as it was entered on the transaction.
  "type": "INPUT",
  "subtype": "LABEL",
  "id": "signer1_signertitle",
  "name": "signer1_signertitle",
  "binding": "{signer.title}",
  "width": 185.5958549222798,
  "height": 41.24352331606218,
  "left": 305.2020725388601,
  "top": 613,
  "page": 0
Signer CompanyThis autofield stamps the document with the name of the signer's company as it was entered on the transaction.
  "type": "INPUT",
  "subtype": "LABEL",
  "id": "signer1_signercompany",
  "name": "signer1_signercompany",
  "binding": "{}",
  "width": 185.5958549222798,
  "height": 41.24352331606218,
  "left": 305.2020725388601,
  "top": 664,
  "page": 0

To download the full code sample see our Code Share site.

Fields enable the placement of additional data in a document at the time of signing. Like signature fields, non-signature fields can be placed anywhere inside a document. Nonetheless, each field is linked to a particular signature. Only the signer of that signature can assign or change the field's value. Once the signature is signed, however, the value of the field cannot be changed by anyone.

You cannot add fields to: (1) documents that are Accept Only; (2) the Electronic Consent form; (3) documents in an accessible transaction.

Adding a Field to a Document

To add a field on a document, you will first need to build your Field object as shown below.

  //create field to an existing approval   ESignLiveAPIObjects.Field label_field = new ESignLiveAPIObjects.Field(); = 'label_field';   label_field.type = 'INPUT';   label_field.subtype = 'LABEL';   label_field.value = 'old label value'; = 0; = 100.0;   label_field.left = 50.0;   label_field.width = 150.0;   label_field.height = 50.0; 

Then, using the addField function, add your field to your document. Use the Field object, PackageID, ApprovalID, and documentID as parameters. The following code will do this:

  //String packageId, String documentId, String approvalId, ESignLiveAPIObjects.Field fieldToCreate   String label_field_response = sdk.addField('yjn7R9GyKU_BRhUjvLrWFp5vUEA=','f3e381eec45b4df851bd28087ad12104c620814bccca6b76','8ELNXeOxMHsD',label_field);   label_field = (ESignLiveAPIObjects.Field)JSON.deserialize(label_field_response, ESignLiveAPIObjects.Field.class); 

Updating a Field in a Document

It is important to note that when updating a field, your new Field object must have the same id as the field you want to update.

The following code will do this:

  //update field   //String packageId, String documentId, String approvalId, String fieldId, ESignLiveAPIObjects.Field fieldToUpdate   label_field.value = 'changed label value';   sdk.updateField('yjn7R9GyKU_BRhUjvLrWFp5vUEA=','f3e381eec45b4df851bd28087ad12104c620814bccca6b76','8ELNXeOxMHsD',,label_field); 

Deleting a Field in a Document

To delete a field, use the OneSpan SignApprovalService. Use the Field object, PackageID, SignatureID, and documentID as parameters. The following code will do this:

  //delete field   //String packageId, String documentId, String approvalId, String fieldId   sdk.deleteField('yjn7R9GyKU_BRhUjvLrWFp5vUEA=','f3e381eec45b4df851bd28087ad12104c620814bccca6b76','8ELNXeOxMHsD',; 


Once you have run your code, your fields will appear in your transaction's documents.