Last modified: 2024-07-02

Streamlining eSignature Workflows with Slack

The integration of OneSpan Sign with Slack provides a powerful solution for managing eSignature workflows directly within the Slack environment. This integration allows users to create and send OneSpan Sign transactions using Slack commands and shortcuts, enhancing productivity and simplifying document signing processes. Once transactions are completed, the signed documents are automatically sent back to the appropriate Slack channel, ensuring seamless communication and document management.

To initiate a transaction using Slack:

  1. In the desired Slack channel, upload your documents.

  2. Click More Actions.

  3. Select Create OSS Transaction.

  4. Enter the following parameters, as requested:

    • Transaction name

    • Recipient's full name

    • Recipient's email

  5. Click Submit button to create and send the transaction.

Once a OneSpan Sign transaction is completed, the signed documents and evidence summary are automatically downloaded back to the specified Slack channel.

This integration is available in professional and enterprise plans at no additional cost.

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