prathyu | Posts: 1

How to add Third challenge question

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Hi, I need to add third challenge question and answer to the Signer. I am not able to find any method. please help me out on adding the third question. code --> foreach (var signer in signingPackage.Signers) { packageBuilder.WithSigner(SignerBuilder.NewSignerWithEmail(signer.Email) .ChallengedWithQuestions(ChallengeBuilder.FirstQuestion(“Type in 12345”).Answer(“12345”).SecondQuestion(“test”).Answer(“test”)) .WithFirstName(signer.FirstName) .WithLastName(signer.LastName) .WithTitle(signer.DisplayTitle) .SigningOrder(signer.SigningOrder) .WithCustomId(signer.CustomId)); } Appreciate your help. Thanks Prathy

Duo_Liang | Posts: 3777

Reply to: How to add Third challenge question

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Hey Prathy, In SDK, if you want to have more than two QAs, simply just call .SecondQuestion().Answer() functions multiple times, for example in your code:
foreach (var signer in signingPackage.Signers)
.ChallengedWithQuestions(ChallengeBuilder.FirstQuestion(“Type in 1111”).Answer(“1111”)
                                     .SecondQuestion(“Type in 2222”).Answer(“2222”)
                                     .SecondQuestion(“Type in 3333”).Answer(“3333”))
And here's the source code of ChallengeBuilder class If you are interested in. Hope this could help! Duo

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