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I get the error below when I try to run code, and the template shows my name (even though I'm not a signer) and no docs.
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I have a question related to some custom fields that we are using in one of our documents we're planning to send through eSignLive for the signature process. At the bottom of the document, we have three fields (in this order from left-to…
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We are integrating eSignLive in our application and we have a situation where Business would need a partially signed document. In other words, let's assume that there are 3 signers on the document and the details have been passed to…
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Hi, Can we know what all email validations are using ( example:[email protected], .in , .org)
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Hello, We are getting a red error message in the UI when we attempt to elevate my eSignLive user account from a "Member" to a "Manager" that indicates we've exceeded our user limit. From what I can see, we have a license that lets us…
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Is there any limit to how long a signed package will "live" (i.e. be available for user download) on eSignLive? From what I can see, unless the package is explicitly "trashed" or "archived", the package will remain out there for user…
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Hello, Is there a way to swap email for signature blocks? For example: I added '[email protected]' as buyer and '[email protected]' as cobuyer. Now i want to swap these signers. When i try to update the signer information in this case,…
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Hi, I would like to know if is possible to change the signature block to have just the e-signed by "name". Right now my configuration has "on GMT" Regards, Felipe
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Hello, Is there a way to get 'enforceCaptureSignature' status of package? Whether it is set to true or false. Thanks, Sushma
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Hi I am looking for an API which would help me generate a eSL report. Currently 'eslClient.reportService.downloadDelegationReportAsCSV(dateStart, dateStop)' provides with most of the information that I am looking for but I need some more…
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Hello, Am receiving the below error on deleting a document. When does this error occur? "Exception":"Silanis.ESL.SDK.EslServerException: Could not delete document from package. Exception: The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad…
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Hi, Will silanis send both email and event notification (to our API) when an email bounces from the silanis end? Thanks, Krishna
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Hi, when a smart card is used is the document also signed by a server certificate or something after all signers have signed? Also, how is non-repudiation retained when not using smart cards? Thanks, Jimmy
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I have seen many posts and guides on how to create a Signer Workflow which enables signing in sequence or succession. We have a requirement to allow our signers to sign at their own convenience in any order they choose. Can this be…
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Is there anyway to suppress the automatic email to signers on package creation? We would like to give our application user the option to sign now (we will retrieve signing URLs), or sign by email (appears to be sent automatically at…
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Is it possible to retrieve a single signing URL so that all signers can sign at once? Currently with the REST API call we are making, we are retrieving each signing URL based on role.
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Can I put the Opt-out button in E-signature consent page? Please see the attached image file.
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Hello Folks We have a question regarding the image of the signature when signing. Is the image saved in eSignLive for re-use on the next signing? If yes, how do we enable and use this feature?
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Hello, I'm trying to integrate a signature drawner in my website to save the design of the signature and use it to sign with eSignLive. But the string base64 assign to handdrawn field in the package settings doesn't working if the string…
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I am currently creating a report about how many customer are signing the documents in one particular months. I was wondering when is customer charged during this process of signing the document, is it when customer actually signed the doc…
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We are using SMS authentication along with email notification for access to the signing ceremony. Generally the experience is that the email is sent, the user clicks the link, the SMS is sent and the user logs in with the PIN. Some times…
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Hello All, I am completely new to eSign and to e-signature generally. I am a C# .NET developer and wondered if any of you can share some knowledge. For test purposes (i.e. assessing Vasco eSign for suitability for our application) I…
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Hello, When we are trying to access the document added to the package seeing 'An error occurred' message. PFA. Package: wswbej1SiaHt2RTcj8VSb9V68BQ= Documentlink:…
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The Date/Time Stamp that gets populated on the signed document is a small font, is this something that can be adjusted?
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I am new to the eSign process and need to be able to download a completed PDF document not a zip file with the document in it. I see the process to do that is: byte[] pdfDocumentBytes = eslClient.downloadDocument(packageId, documentId);…