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Has anyone have a preference in which browser to use in preperation for OneSpan stopping support of IE in 11.39?

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I have set up the option for signers to have the option to decline, but I do not see this when we test it. Occasionally, a document is forwarded for signature, but the final approver does not want it signed for various reasons. We would…

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Is there any way I can remove account logo. I can replace it by logo-esl.png with logo I want. But I don't want any logo in the signing page. How do I do that Thanks
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does the wording for the button such "opt out' or 'decline" can be changed? if so, does it apply to system level or account specific?




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Hi, I would like to know if is possible to change the signature block to have just the e-signed by "name". Right now my configuration has "on GMT" Regards, Felipe
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How would I go about changing the email address associated with my OneSpan account?

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If I upload a document and a signing page is upside down am I able to rotate it?

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Hi, Is there an API or Java SDK option in eSL to change a regular user to Manager and vice-a-versa? Thanks, Sudhangi
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Trying to go thru the steps described here:

My keytool list shows the required…

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is there a scenario or situation, the document can't be updated (such as re-order, delete, add etc)? 



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I am new to the eSign process and need to be able to download a completed PDF document not a zip file with the document in it. I see the process to do that is: byte[] pdfDocumentBytes = eslClient.downloadDocument(packageId, documentId);…
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I have created a template with a placeholder on the OneSpan website. When I use this template in a transaction, I am unable to change this placeholder to a normal recipient in the designer, and so I am unable to actually create and send…

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Is it possible to obtain/download/print a copy of the document that includes all the fields and labels created in OneSpan Sign, positioned as they appear to the customer during the signing process? Essentially, can we print a replica of…

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Hello, I would like to know, whether there is possibility of changing the text("Your signature is not required on this document.") on the top of document in the navigation bar. If so, how can we do it? Please see find…
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Hello, If for a single package there are three signers in which two have same email Id, and its a case of In-person, is there any way to allow same email address for two different signers. Thanks, Aniket
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Could auto email reminder configure at account level? if yes, could you please show how to configure it?



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I tried to upload a document (attached) in the sender UI, it has error message as 'this document failed to upload and maybe locked'. but I tried it in the sandbox, and it's working fine.


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Hi Team, I use code to create packages, and when I go to the esign platform, I can not add new documents to the existing In Progress transaction. The code I'm using to create the package is PackageBuilder documentPackageBuilder =…
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Hi guys,

We have a case which must to star a signature process in eSignLive with a document that previously was signed by a client with a software certificate.

If we launch the process with this document and…

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With this , it looks like callbacks can be setup via code rather than through the eSign Admin UI. Do you setup this callback each time a package for is created? Is…
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What happens when the server that is setup to receive callbacks isn't available due to a network issue or an issue with the server itself. Are any attempts made to retry the notification. Also, are there any suggestions on how to handle…
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Hello, I'm trying to figure out how to program a page on my IIS server to handle event notifications. My research has turned up various topics and code snippets (jQuery, VB.NET, C#, java servlet, cross-domain, etc) but I'm not sure how to…
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Application listener (callback URL) is not available when OSS triggers callback event upon completion of the transaction.

1. What happens to the requests that were completed at OSS end but not posted to…

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When using the callback function to listen to DOCUMENT_SIGNED events, I do not receive the event if the user does not click the "Done" button before clicking the "Confirm" button.

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in our current version 11.25, I found for callback event  i.e PACKAGE_READY_FOR_COMPLETE, the sessionUser has the account user id information in the request. 
