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Is it possible to add a field to allow users to input a job position? And make it a required field?

I'm struggling to find a TYPE & SUBTYPE to support this requirement.


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Hi, We are integrating esign with Salesforce. When we create a package, the owner of the eSign Live becomes the sender of the package. Is there a way to send the package as another user in esign account? Regards Ranjan
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Is there an endpoint to add multiple documents to a package? The APEX SDK appears to only have a method to add one at a time. Trying to minimize callouts from SF. 

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Hey there, I have a situation where I have an existing package and I'm trying to add a new document to it with text anchor fields. The part to create the document is fine, but my issue is to add an extract anchor to it. From what I've…
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Sorry for all the different posts, but I thought it'd be better to have each question separately so they're easier to search. Another thing I'm going to need to use is to get the Audit information like in the evidence summary PDF I can…
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Are we able to merge data onto a document and also set it as "accept only"? 

I am following this blog post but wondering if we can stamp the fields on the document with values too:…

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We have encountered an issue where customers who have an "_x" in their Email address are not receiving their esignlive Emails. Upon investigating the code it seems the EsignLiveJSONHelper.remove_x(String jsonString) method removes all…