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I am using the Java SDK version 10.10.1 I am creating a package with one document. There is one Signer. This signer has a FULLNAME signature and an INITIALS signature. This is the sequence of my code: 1. Call to EslClient.createPackage…
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I have a client that is having an issue where they are not getting an accurate list of signers for a transaction initiated in eSignLive through their Associate account. They have the following code to process notifications coming from…
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Hi, User want a popup kind of thing that show all detail of a package. I tried designer mode but it is not working if package is in Signer_Pending mode. Thanks
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Hey team, I noticed that you provide a signing status function to get signing status per signer: com.silanis.esl.sdk.SigningStatus signerStatus1 = eslClient.getSigningStatus(packageId, new SignerId(signerId1), null); But the concern here…
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Hi, I need to know how to get the layoutId of an existing layout that was created using eSL web portal. The requirement we have is; The user will send the layout name, document and signer info, we then need to go fetch this layout and…
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Is there a way to retrieve a list of packages in the Trash folder using Java SDK? I understand Trashed is a property not a package status. But I need to purge all packages that are trashed. Getting a completion report on the package…
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Hi, When 'eslClient.getPackageService().getPackage({packageID}).getSigners()' is used, it gives a list of all signers including the sender as one of the signers. This is the case even though the sender has no documents to sign. Is there…
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I am trying to accomplish the following. Please let me know which SDK classes to use: - Get a list of all documents/templates uploaded onto a group's library (From all senders in the group). Both document ids and names - how do I include…
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how can I retrieve the location of the signature (X,Y)?
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Hello, I need some tips to get me started with an upgrading to SDK 11.41 from a very old version. I was not involved in the original implementation, and I am lacking knowledge of what the platform provides. Once I’m more comfortable…

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Hi, Is there are guidelines or recommendations for using eSign with PDF documents (and forms). Lets say I have a claim form (with 50 fields) to be completed. What is the general approach - do people upload the PDF and request…
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I want to ensure documents are signed in a particular order. Does eSignLive have the ability to do this? Thanks, hsamson
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FieldStyle has static types for BOUND_COMPANY, BOUND_NAME, and BOUND_DATE, but these values do not appear in the values returned by FieldStyle.values(). I would like to look up the FieldStyle like FieldStyle.valueOf(SOME_NAME)…

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According to this page, field injection is for text field only. Is that still the case for Java SDK 11.0 which I'm using? We have forms that contain texts/radio buttons/drop-downs, etc.…
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For radio and check box once user select its what is the expected value. Right now I am getting 'X'. Is this correct?
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Hi, My scenario is, we want to customize the emails send to signers so that the link is not sent in the email and they are just provided with instructions to login into our application to do so. Now, my question is, after creating…
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I'm seeing some odd behavior, on my local development environment, I can create a package and delete the "default-consent" page without issue. Once I've moved this to our integration environment, this same call fails. I'm trying this…
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Hi, Is there a way to use the field extraction feature and also set the name of the (form) fields in the pdf to store the data. In my PDF for signing I set the following: Field [Title], Value [Project Manager] Field [[Client…
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When create a package how to define extract text tag vs extract acrobat tag via JAVA SDK? One package can support both extract…

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Intermittently getting some of our senders set to 'EXTERNAL_SENDER'. What would cause this? Package TmMr3BJ4K8RXuVOKzkfRtFeSsWo= is one example. Thanks

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Hi, I need use external signer verification to register the sign and verify if is correct redirect the signer ceremony when Signer sign from PHP url. I have the code and structure necessary for create package and manage with Signers,…
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I could not find  esl-sdk-external-signer-verification jar in the maven repository. Please help.



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We are using
to ask for a handwritten signature, but after the expected user signs, not only the handwritten signature drawn shows up, but also the full name appears, it seems the full name…
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Hello Michael, During the processing in an application a client noticed that below statement takes few seconds (5-10) to execute: PackageId packageId = eslClient.createPackage(documentPackage); Can you please let us know how much…
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Hello, Once all the signing ceremony is completed, there is one email notification getting triggered from "e-SignLive " to all the signers by including package owner in "CC" of that email. Email notification…