glampron01 | Posts: 5

release 11.42, Opt_out removal

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Hello, since the opt_out option is removed in the 11.42 release.  What are our options if our client want to sign on paper ?

Thanks !

Guillaume Lampron


Duo_Liang | Posts: 3777

Reply to: release 11.42, Opt_out removal

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Hi Guillaume,


I understood from the business level, you may consider opt out and decline differently, but since opt out will be deprecated and they both function the same, you can consider to add "I want to sign on paper" as a decline reason. 

You can preset decline reasons at both package level or contact support team ([email protected]) and define it at account level.

Once declined, the decline reason will be added as part of the package JSON and your application can retrieve the decline reason through API or SDK. 



glampron01 | Posts: 5

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Many thanks Duo !  Do you know the procedure if we need to modify our agreement term letter ? Because the opt_out fonction was mention in the text. Please see below.


Image removed.

glampron01 | Posts: 5

Reply to: release 11.42, Opt_out removal

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many thanks duo

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