23 results matched your search criteria
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OneSpan Sign
I've noticed that creating documents with names that contain the windows restricted file name symbols ( ":\|/*?> ) will cause the documents to be shown in the signing ceremony and audit information with those symbols replaced by underscores.
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OneSpan Sign
Hi,I have been exploring OSS website for details of evidence summary, but apart from the following links, I couldn't find much info, I am looking for some description of an evidence summary which would explain what it basically contains.
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OneSpan Identity Verification
Is the audit trail pdf only available when the a transaction has successfully identified an individual
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OneSpan Sign
I am wanting to get information from the audit service for use within my application, but I'm not certain exactly how to use it. Can anyone provide an example?
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OneSpan Sign
Currently on an older version of Silanis/OneSpan for an Oracle based Financial System, and thinking about making a move to a different digital signature solution. One of the challenge I see is validating documents and requests that were signed with the existing OneSpan/Digital Signature solution..
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OneSpan Sign
I've been looking for the PHP snippet to get e-signed person details. I found the below help from OneSpan documentation section.
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OneSpan Sign
We would like to have multiple senders creating and sending transaction.
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OneSpan Sign
We need to know that is there any possibility of increasing further the document's size such as uploaded document, audit trails etc. near future for any release of one span server. Because, we are building an application where any increase of document's size will impact our application.
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OneSpan Sign
I have run the UI based transaction report and only the sender information is provided in the excel file.
I have run the delegation report which only provides me the delegation activities, nothing transaction level related.
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OneSpan Sign
We have integrated our salesforce application with onespan using APEX SDK for our signature use cases. We have setup below usecase which is working fine.
1. Sent e-signature request to John smith (only one signer on the package).
2. John Smith signs the document.