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OneSpan Sign
In the callback setup example prorgram
My callback URL is given in the following variable
private static final String URL = "http://my.url.com";
Can I add a port number to this URL?
Will the URL below be a acceptable to Silanis for a callback.
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Hello i have registered callback url with this code and it's registered successfully
i in response json on callbackurl i have get the {} dict when package is created.
is there sometinh missing???
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
We're looking to help guide our customers through the signing process and it would be helpful if there was a mechanism that could help identify where they are as they transition from document to document.
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OneSpan Sign
What happens when the server that is setup to receive callbacks isn't available due to a network issue or an issue with the server itself. Are any attempts made to retry the notification.
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OneSpan Sign
Hi, please assist with the following issue:
I was able to successfully receive a transaction callbacks and download multiple packages. However, each morning, upon initiating very first transaction I receive "eSignLive Callback failed." email from the server with the following contents (excerpt).
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
The Creating a Callback Notification Listener guide says I have put a callback URL. Is there a way to test the integration of Event callbacks in a local environment?
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OneSpan Sign
Is there any specific configuration required for setting up callbacks, like firewall setting or enabling a port. We are working in closed network inside the customers premise.
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OneSpan Sign
Is there a way to just update the registered callback events for an account without having to update that account's callback url and key as well?
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Our application submits signing packets via the REST API and receives callback notifications. Our application is not equipped to send emails, though, and our business line wants to receive an email for each notification. Is it possible for One Span to email the callback notifications?