183 results matched your search criteria
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OneSpan Sign
Hi ,
Please assist with "Could not download the documents to a zip file. Exception: Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: .
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Hi, we are not receiving callbacks on packages that expire and we're trying to determine if it's an issue on our end. Does OneSpan keep logs of callback events that fail?
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Can I include a package id in the callback registration API so that I can register for different types of events for different packages ? If so then can you please provide a JSON sample.
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
If our application somehow missed the callback event of opt-out/decline, is there any REST API which can be used to fetch the details about signer who opted-out/decline and with what reason?
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
How the Callback Key is being passed when an event is raised? can you please provide a raw sample for the transaction including header tags?
Would it be an oAuth? 'Bearer [callback key]' ?
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Hi team,
If our application somehow missed the callback notification of declined event, is there any SDK function that can be used to fetch the details about signer who opted-out/decline and with what reason?
Thanks in advance!
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
How can i set the redirect url for a transaction? In my case, after successful completion of signing event, i am required to load a specific page and need user inputs on it (and not just a thank you dialogue)
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
I've searched the forum for web hooks/call backs and couldn't find anything special.
Is it possible to get notified when a user signs a document? Like using web hooks or generally defining a custom function for this event?
Thank you,
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
What IP you'll be using to send events back to us in the sandbox environment. Is there IP restrictions on who we open this site up to from the outside? Just need to know so we can restrict that in the firewall.
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Intelligent Adaptive Authentication
I have an issue in IAS integration with AD.
I can't add AD users to IAS
for event logs i got below error:
{Error Code: '(-30)' ; Error Message: 'Failed to search on and/or bind to LDAP server(s)'}}