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OneSpan Sign
How can i find out from the object docs if a field is mandatory or optional.
For example Firstname is mandatory for creating a signer , but the docs dont seem to indicate that it is.
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Hi team,
We are using iFrame to integrate esignlive in our portal, we are unsure how to make the display of documents responsive.
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
I am writing an app that will hypothetically integrate with OneSpan Sign. I would want the users of my app to be able to log into OneSpan Sign and grant my app permission to create Transactions in their OneSpan sign account on their behalf. Is this possible with OneSpan sign?
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
We use Salesforce with OneSpan. We are using API integration to merge field values from salesforce into OneSpan template fields.I have a Salesforce field that is a Rich Text Area field, formatted as HTML.
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OneSpan Sign
First off, this is a very welcome addition to the integration options available. I've been struggling using the REST API directly from my Force.com app.
Are there any examples on how to create a simple package, like there are with the other SDKs?
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
what are the best practices when it comes to managing senders that no longer work for the business?
Do you delete them from the system?
If yes, how does it affect the existing docs they were senders at?
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
API Rest allows me to create a sender in an account. I could verify this process by viewing the sender from Admin> User, but I could not assign it roles through API. Therefore, he will not be able to manage or generate a transaction because it don't has a role..
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
How can I disable the pop up dialog after signing completed?