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OneSpan Sign
I found the below information on your web site regarding to minimum software requirement, Could you please provide the details of what specific models are support?
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OneSpan Sign
no postman, no python , no this site OneSpan Sign Sandbox | OneSpan Community Platform
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OneSpan Sign
As described in this post https://community.onespan.com/documentation/onespan-sign/guides/sender-guides/user/configuring-recipients we can configure some "personal message" for the Recipient. Just want to know where this "personal message" gets used.
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OneSpan Sign
As per https://community.onespan.com/documentation/onespan-sign/guides/feature-guides/developer/setting-callback-notifications,
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OneSpan Sign
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OneSpan Sign
We are trying to set up a URL to listen for Callback Notifications in salesforce.
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OneSpan Sign
Trying to go thru the steps described here:
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OneSpan Sign
I am unable to manually add a sender to the account using the instructions found here: https://community.onespan.com/documentation/onespan-sign/guides/connector-guides