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OneSpan Sign
Hi Support,
Please help us to resolve the below error message .
Our Api link :
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OneSpan Sign
Receiving Access Denied on Interactive API Reference Page. Occurs whether logged in or out. Previously don't think the page was behind authentication at all. Already cleared browser cache, using multiple browsers etc. How to fix? https://app.screencast.com/HAJgXOKfux8wM
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
I created an OneSpan Sign sandbox account and I'm trying to connect via the Salesforce OneSpan app however when I try I get an API key is not valid error. Has anyone ran into this before?
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
We are noticing a surprising behavior when using the REST API to create a package, compared to a package created using the UI.
When we use your quick start "Create and send a package" (https://developer.esignlive.com/guides/quick-start/creating-and-sending-a-package-java/), we should have only
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OneSpan Sign
need Certification to connect onespan api's from rest template. Could someone help me by providing one span certification . So that i can test from Rest Template .
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Hello, I want to send a pdf file using e-sign.
I sent a file (by creating transaction) using sandbox account manually and I want to do the same via rest api.
But I am not able to figure out the json content for the sender and signer details in plsql.
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OneSpan Sign
I am in a beginner label.So I need to download file it may be json or octat stream.But I dont know how to download file for concurrent user.Actually I have to do performance testing for Api.
Thanks in advance
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OneSpan Sign
Hi Duo, I keep getting Unsupported Media type error below:
{"code":415,"messageKey":"http.status.415","message":"Unsupported Media Type","name":"Unsupported Media Type"}
POST {{TheHost}}/api/packages/CsilES9ZX4XpSucsL-s7t3bFQp8=/bulk_send
Content-Type text/csv
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
I have access to three Sub Account.
I can create package inside any of the sub accounts in UI.
If i create a package through API it will be created inside my home sub account
How to create package in different sub account using API for a particular user as sender