426 results matched your search criteria
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OneSpan Sign
Our OneSpan account is customer-facing and we support French speaking customers. Most of the signing process translates to French properly expect the 'Thank You' message attached.
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OneSpan Sign
Hi,I got "error.validation.vulnerableInput" when update signer with signer's first name as "<cindy>", and it seems this is new error after v11.56, would you please confirm? and what's this error message for? and in which scenario this error will throw? thanks,
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
I would like to create my own "Accept" and "OPT-OUT" buttons with a custom message as popup to be displayed when user click on OPT-OUT or Accept button. I would like to know if there is any service available in EsignLive that I can call, when user click on OPT-OUT or Accept button.
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OneSpan Sign
I keep getting this message "Signed and all signatures valid.
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
We are getting below error uploading PDF document {"message":"[error.validation.verifyDocument.documentExtractError]","code":400,"messageKey":"error.validation.verifyDocument.documentExtractError","name":"Validation Error"}
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OneSpan Sign
I saw the post for email Message content length limit was 1024 back in 2017, is it still true for our on-prem v11.25? if not, could you let me know the new limitation?
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OneSpan Sign
I am running into an issue when using a layout that was created with placeholders that specify both an ID and a description. The layout can be successfully created and viewed, but the layout cannot be applied to a package.
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OneSpan Sign
It would appear that the success response message sent by esign sandbox to a request for signingStatus was somehow changed, over this last weekend, from 'COMPLETED' to 'SIGNING_COMPLETED'. This seemingly minor detail cost the dev team all day today.
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Error message:
Could not create a new package.