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OneSpan Sign
I have been using this blog post for help in getting my project off the ground.
I have been working to create a process in which two people (agent and insured) can do a face-to-face transaction.
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OneSpan Sign
Hi everyone,
We are working to integrate OneSpan with Pega application in order to manage the Customer Digital Onboarding process.
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OneSpan Sign
Could please anyone help with Opening the document to be signed in a device (like IPad or tablet ) without having the User to click on email link.
Use case : Customer in Branch for account opening or any subscribing to a new product(Credit Card , Derivatives , Mortgage loan), one the all the details
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OneSpan Sign
Is there a way to add some customization to the email that comes from eSign live to notify people that they need to sign a package?
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OneSpan Sign
We would like to modify the content of some of the emails that are sent to the signers.
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OneSpan Sign
What is the recommended way to be able to rapidly develop and iterate on a series of forms we're using for application integration, then be able to deploy them to a production instance?
I tried the tool recommended by OneSpan's phone support at https://developer.esignlive.com/code-share/esignlive-c
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OneSpan Sign
I'm trying to increase the text or print that appears after a signature block is signed (Eg: E-SIGNED by FirstName LastName on Date).
I tried to achieve this using withSize method for the signature, but it didn't work out(the text appears to be only the standard size).
I think it's not work
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OneSpan Sign
I'm trying to integrate eSign into my application using the REST API. I haven't been able to figure out how to create a package with signature field coordinates extracted from a PDF which already contains signature fields.
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OneSpan Sign
I have a couple of questions regarding this unauthorized access page. The error on this page is saying "your session may have expired". When accessing the designer in our iframe in Safari, we are seeing this eSignLive unauthorized access page. Is this a bug?
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OneSpan Sign
Did something with the last release change regarding the signed pdfs? We have an application that uses itext to merge all our signed pdfs together into one pdf and we flatten them as we do the merging. Ever since the last release, flattening them removes all of the signatures. I