62 results matched your search criteria
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OneSpan Sign
I'm integrating with the e-sign live api and have had some trouble with certain pdfs causing the signing ceremony to give me a blank page. After the package is created and a url is created the window appears blank. (Even the default-consent document won't show up).
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
We are running into performance issues related to the considerable size of the initial load of ESignlive on devices with a weak cellular signal. I did some investigating and found that the typical first load (before cache) is about 4.1MB.
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OneSpan Sign
Is there a known issue with OneSpan and Safari, and is the workaround to have the signer use another browser other than Safari?
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OneSpan Sign
Has anyone have a preference in which browser to use in preperation for OneSpan stopping support of IE in 11.39?
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OneSpan Sign
How can the same person give signatures different documents in a package in the same browser in person?
Thank you.
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OneSpan Sign
How can we redirect the browser page to another URL , when the user clicks on optout , enters the text and then clicks on ok.
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OneSpan Sign
Can I create packages programmatically using the same sender email address? And then show the designer view with that same sender email address in multiple browsers?
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OneSpan Sign
As per current implementation, the onespan system doesn't support dynamic resizing based on the content. This results jn additional scroll bar in the browser
Can you please fix this as an enhancement request?
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OneSpan Sign
We are not able to render the generated signing url in our browser or iframe. The page used to display the consent form but it now remains blank. PFA images of the console logs while attempting to open the signable document.
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OneSpan Sign
When I look in the browser console I see this error :
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 502 (Bad Gateway)
Incomplete response received from the application
Incomplete response received from application