45 results matched your search criteria
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OneSpan Sign
Good Afternoon,
I am using the On Premise verson 6.5 and recently tried to download the evidence document from a finished package. However that document was blank.
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
You do have a 2021 enhancement request that is on your priority list to increase the MB size. however in the meantime we are having issues with the ES not being emailed. We've sent out numerous communications to tell our users to always use their Dashboard.
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OneSpan Sign
I hear from Account Reps at my Company that DocuSign has a feature that sends them an Email if the Signer has opened the Email sent to them by DocuSign.
My ESign Customer Success Representative has informed my Colleague that ESign can do the same thing.
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OneSpan Sign
Re API documentation I expect ALL documents associated with given Package will be returned in Zipfile from this call ->api/packages/{packageId}/documents/zip call
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OneSpan Sign
I have been trying to wait to ask more questions and consolidate them in one post for you. Your welcome. :) Regarding the iframe/inperson signing ceremony. In the package API that we send to eSignLive to create the signing ceremony iframe, is an email address for each signer required?
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
We have some roles in our account for control access management. We want the ability for designated user (Roles & Permission) to be able to access and download the evidence summary for ALL completed packages.
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OneSpan Sign
Is it possible to have a bar code placed on the evidence summary document?
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Is there a way to get the Completion date of a signing ceremony. I see that it is listed out in the evidence summary. Is it possible to get that using the JAVA SDK.
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OneSpan Sign
Hey guys,
Is it possible to automatically match the timestamp of an Ink-it report (evidence summary) with the signer's time zone?