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OneSpan Sign
I'm having problems with this funcionality, when I create eslPackage from template, I need add again the documents with "Upload method".
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OneSpan Sign
Hey ! I was working on the Java SDK to retrieve all the templates and their ids that I had created for a particular user, in the form of objects or lists. Is there a simple way to do this. If yes how do I do it ?
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OneSpan Sign
MS word has several different techniques for fields (content fields, bookmarks, and form fields). I’m not sure which technique I should be using and what are general best practices for setting up word templates. Is there any advice on this?
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OneSpan Sign
I have a requirement where I have a template with placeholders for signers. I need to create a new package from this template and replace the signer Placeholders with actual signer info.
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OneSpan Sign
in the account setting for the below resource, can I put '"$RECIPIENT_NAME;" as the variable there? if so, could you please provide the sample?
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OneSpan Sign
Hi team,
One of our client is asking whether it's possible to have dynamic logos in their activation email. They want to have different logos per package depending on the recipient information. Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance!
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OneSpan Sign
I am trying to use the OSS - Template and Layout Copy Tool to copy a template from my Sandbox test account to our Production account. I enter the Source/Destination API keys and environments and hit Test Connection. I am informed that all API keys are valid.
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OneSpan Sign
Is it possible to create a template and only share it with certain senders?
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OneSpan Sign
How does this template get generated in French if all we input is the users email address?
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OneSpan Sign
How can I embed a button labelled "version française" within the email template so users can click on the button and see the French version of the templates.