234 results matched your search criteria
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Intelligent Adaptive Authentication
I don't know if this is the right place, but...
I have test installation of IAS 3.14.xx on Windows 2016. I wanna migrate it to Centos 7 and then upgrade it to 3.21
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OneSpan Sign
Good morning,
We have been implementing OneSpan APEX SDK and the event notification feature is working great in the sandbox. When we went to update our OneSpan prod account with our config / refresh token we get the following response:
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OneSpan Sign
We noticed this morning that when a packageID contains _x something in the Apex SDK is removing it from the string. We are passing in:
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OneSpan Cloud Authentication
The current OpenAPI schema https://community.onespan.com/sites/default/files/interactive_api_references/tid-api_13022020_0.json contains the following API endpoint which br
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OneSpan Sign
We are able to create the package but the status was not changing to SENT. below is the sample request we are using to create the package and then updating the status.
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OneSpan Sign
Hello there,
I have an eSignLive integration, using the SDK v11, where I am able to Create& Send package for signing to:
1. Three Signers with corresponding "Click to Sign" signatures
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OneSpan Sign
I am testing the field_validators_c#.cs code from your website but I am getting an error: {"Could not create a new package. Exception: Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: <. Path '', line 1, position 1."} OneSpanSign.Sdk.OssException
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OneSpan Sign
This is related to a post by CConverse_lm over a year ago Getting an exception using FULL_NAME + INITIALS signature styles in one document.
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OneSpan Sign
Was there a change to how radio buttons are being sent? For some reason I am seeing an issue where it appears all of my radio buttons are being sent as the same group and when I try to pull the package information from the GET API call, they are not in the package.
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Mobile Security Suite
We expect Apple and Google to release iOS 15 and Android 12 this September, and beta versions are available now.