372 results matched your search criteria
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OneSpan Sign
Does E-Sign have any throughput limits for volumes of transactions or web service calls an entity can make in a certain time period of time (i.e. 10,000 calls per hour)
-Nate Boettcher
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
How can i set the redirect url for a transaction? In my case, after successful completion of signing event, i am required to load a specific page and need user inputs on it (and not just a thank you dialogue)
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Hi, I have this transaction 5nV_eLwkh_vz6cF_onxxO2J3QP4= in sandboxe-signlive.ca. After performing inPerson signing ceremony, The Thank you page show access denied.
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Hi ,
I see there is an api to get the status for a package or a transaction . In same way can we able to get he status for the document and signer level.
Naresh S
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Does anyone have a protip on how to quickly place signature anchors on a document? I am often guessing the top and left values and then creating a full transaction to see if I got close. Is there a faster way to get this positioning right?
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
I want to understand the bulk API return value.
How can we use the returned value to retrieve all the transactions created by above API call?
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Please help me find documentation on how to add a Salesforce Custom Object as an available option in "Related object type". I also need to be able to automate prepare/send transaction by relating it to records in the custom object.
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
I am creating a transaction with REST API . and i offer the ability to the user to use the designer in order to add signors and signatures. However, when the user tries to add recipient, the signing order attribute is set to ON automatically. Can that be disabled all the time ??
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Looking to create a transaction (done) and then get a signing URL or start signing process because I need to allow signing in an "iframe" or withing a .NET application wihtout sending the emails out, or maybe just the completed email to signers.
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
We've noticed that when we have a notarized package, the users are not able to download the documents until after they sign and confirm the document. When there is not a notary associated to a package, the user can download the documents at any point during the transaction. Is this intended?