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OneSpan Sign
We are in process of changing OneSpan SDK to OneSpan REST
In SDK we are retrieving the status using GetSigningStatus(objPackageId, signerId, null) which giving us 'InActive' status as output.
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Intelligent Adaptive Authentication
Hi Team,
Trying to assign the default value for the text field as suggested in (https://community.onespan.com/documentation/onespan-sign/guides/feature-guides/developer/text-tag-extraction), but not working.
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OneSpan Sign
Hi, for business requerimient we are integrating Pega CRM application with OneSpan in order to achieve the Onboarding Digital project.
We are consume multiple API services in order to create Transaction in OneSpan.
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OneSpan Sign
Hi there,
I have been trying to update documents that have FULL_NAME signers to HAND_DRAWN signers using the JAVA SDK.
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OneSpan Sign
I have made a template the first signature capture mandatory for each signer and subsequently made the rest optional with conditional logic. This setup ensures that the mandatory capture becomes optional once any of the others are signed.
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OneSpan Sign
We have a use case for the sender to attach an additional PDF document to the form in the package. For context, our implementation has a library of forms that our users can select from with pre-defined merge fields and signer blocks. We do not use the designer tool.&n
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OneSpan Sign
I'm finding the language settings to be quite confusing and don't see a thorough guide explaining it. Here are some questions I have. If there is a guide, please point me in the right direction, else I'll need some help to understand the following.
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OneSpan Sign
We have integrated our salesforce application with onespan using APEX SDK for our signature use cases. We have setup below usecase which is working fine.
1. Sent e-signature request to John smith (only one signer on the package).
2. John Smith signs the document.