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OneSpan Sign
Hello Team,
As per your post https://developer.esignlive.com/forums/topic/whitelist-ip-addresses/
I have whitelisted following IP for callback process for production (https://apps.esignlive.com)
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
I'm interested in modifying a signer's challenges on an existing package that hasn't been sent. In some cases this means adding a challenge for the first time. In other cases this means first removing existing challenges. Here's some code I tried.
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Hi ,
I am posting below JSON, but its returning 1006 error code and the server repsonse is : Server returned HTTP response code: 400 for URL: https://sandbox.e-signlive.com/api/packages/
************************************************************************** JSON START****************************
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
In the email template body which is html file, my client request such as below to embed a link to website
<a href="https://www.example.com/xxx.html" target="_blank">
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
I have a client who is calling the ReportService method of the SDK However, for a specific date, he is getting the below error:
Code snippet as below:
Console.WriteLine("Calling for Completed "); //between 14/3/2016 - 15/3/2016
report = eslClient.ReportService.DownloadCompletion
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
I'm trying to submit a payload to POST https://sandbox.esignlive.com/api/packages, in the past few days it has been intermittently working and not, this morning it hasn't been working at all yet.
The error message is
{ messageKey: 'error.internal.default',
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
We have registered Callback Event Notification on OneSpan Sign Web UI and Key is getting gernerated correctly. However, I am receiving below error on email as OneSpan Sign Sadnbox access is assigned to me only.
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
I use the event notifier with a Iframe (https://community.onespan.com/documentation/onespan-sign/codeshare/esignlive-event-notifier) for couple years in my projet and when I have configure it initially the event to check for completion was ESL:MESSAGE:SUCCESS:SIGNER_COMPLETE.
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
I am tryng to change my working code from uploading a single PDF containing a "stage" of forms to upload each form selected from the "stage" as a PDF.