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OneSpan Sign
When I send a document to be signed, I'd like to auto populate a date field that is 30 days after the signing date. Is this possible with the SDK?
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OneSpan Sign
Hey team,
How we can replace the default email with our customized email? We are using .Net SDK.
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OneSpan Sign
Does the SDK provide a method to get a link to download the final document from OneSpan's servers? I cannot find it. Thanks!
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OneSpan Sign
Using the Java SDK, is there a way to retrieve the HttpClient to add a connection request timeout (ie. for instances where OneSpan may possibly be down)?
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OneSpan Sign
please suggest that how we can add signature field on each page of multiple documents page using .net sdk
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OneSpan Sign
Can you please point me or send me the link to the API/ SDK code to allow for in-person scenario to toggle between signers.
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OneSpan Sign
Is there a way to get the Completion date of a signing ceremony. I see that it is listed out in the evidence summary. Is it possible to get that using the JAVA SDK.
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OneSpan Sign
if package only contains review form(no signature required), when calling SDK to sendPackage, it returns error.
Is it expected behavior?
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OneSpan Sign
We have different signing scenarios where we want to use different Signing Page Logos. How do I do that with Java SDK?
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OneSpan Sign
Can somebody help me finding the right way to convert co-ordinates from inches to pixels while sending it to eSignLive Java SDK to create a package?