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OneSpan Sign
The documentation talks about ApiKeyAuth (being deprecated) and ApiTokenAuth (recommended replacement).
Apparently a "Client Id" + "Secret" is combined to create a "Token" but I don't know how this is done for API's below.
I am not clear on "single use" vs "multi-use".
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OneSpan Sign
Good Afternoon,
i am currently in the process of updating one of our Applications to include ADA functionality. This application is pointed at the cloud implementation.
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Hi There ,
I want to know about any provision of sending the authentication token to the callback generation rest api call so that once the callback happens
, we may get that token back with the request.
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
We have a condition where a participant goes to eSign, then quits mid-way.
So for instance we have 3 forms to be eSigned, she eSigns 2 forms and quits.
When she logs in again, we have to get the session token again - by sending a new packet.
We cannot store the session token because the sessi
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OneSpan Sign
I have been playing with embedded signing URL generations lately and originally learned from this blog post that " Once you’ve gotten an authentication token, the next step is to build the fol
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OneSpan Sign
I'm using the Java SDK and trying to open the signing ceremony as the package owner (sender), when the package owner isn't a signer in the package.
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
I'm using .Net SDK.
I create token:
string sessionTokenString = eslClient.AuthenticationTokenService.CreateSenderAuthenticationToken(id);
and then
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Intelligent Adaptive Authentication
My company would like to get their stuff secure with MFA. Well, not everything, but at least they want to secure the remote access VPN and our O365 accounts. So, that's a plus.
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OneSpan Identity Verification
We are building out our API calls at the moment and are looking to get details to assist whitelisting