47 results matched your search criteria
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OneSpan Sign
Hi Duo,
Happy New year greetings to you and your family!
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OneSpan Sign
Hi, I'm trying to set up a demonstration project using the sandbox environment but I'm having troubles authenticating with the API.
I initially used the .NET SDK to access the sandbox but when I hit troubles I decided to try and distill the problem down.
What I'm observing is that my first attempt
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OneSpan Sign
1. I created a function app in azure portal for the callback to download docs.
2. And then I created some transactions through the Dashboard.
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OneSpan Sign
Hi Team ,
As suggested by you we are using single step package creation call where in package creation, doc upload and status sent happens at one go .For this we are using silanis provided java class.
This is wrking perfectly fine in all environments but when we moved to production , its giving conn
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OneSpan Sign
I'm trying to place signature using the text anchors in Payload in API Body by referring the blog(OneSpan Sign How To: Using Text Anchors | OneSpan), but I'm getting the below validation error (Currently testign this i
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Hi Duo,
Hope you are doing well!