310 results matched your search criteria
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OneSpan Sign
We have several templates that contain too many input fields for accepting user inputs. Nowadays, we have a requirement to update the content of the document used in the template, even if it is a minor word change at the bottom section of the document.
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OneSpan Sign
Hey there!
I have a transaction with ExpirationDate with 2 signers (with sign order) and are required Attachments.
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OneSpan Sign
Is this sender token required in a json package? I ask because I get an error sending a package request stating "id": "sender" not found. This is just a sender not requiring a signature but sending a request package for signature of another user.
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OneSpan Sign
It would be extremely helpful to enhance the signing ceremony UX. Since it's the core component of an end-user, we would love to see enhancements to the UI/UX to make it a better/more intuitive experience. Below are a couple of items:
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OneSpan Sign
We've a scenario where in we are using the Fast Track feature. The Fast Track template has one document that is signed by two signers.
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OneSpan Sign
I have seen many posts and guides on how to create a Signer Workflow which enables signing in sequence or succession. We have a requirement to allow our signers to sign at their own convenience in any order they choose. Can this be accommodated as well?
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OneSpan Sign
I have a scenario for a package with 1 document and 2 signers, only 1 signer required to sign the document.
when this package sent , both of the signers received the activate email (1 signer for signing, and another signer just review - no signature required.
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OneSpan Sign
I want to customized the thank you dialog as picture (uploaded), once I applied it as body below, it doesn't show up as bold, Italic, and create new paragrah, could you please take a look what's wrong with it. how to customize it as the requirement?
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OneSpan Sign
Just checking if there is any new techniques for email journalling.
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OneSpan Sign
Due to the security requirements of my company, we are required to use two-way SSL to communicate with eSignLive via API. Using the open Java SDK code posted in Github, it was easy to enhance com.silanis.esl.sdk.EslClient within my company to accomplish this.