280 results matched your search criteria
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OneSpan Sign
I want my package to be sent to a party not a signer, and not to any of the signers. How do I provide for this with .Net?
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OneSpan Sign
Is it possible to get the api key of the sender who sent the package.
Thank you,
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Mobile Security Suite
Using the Mobile Security Suite, How are the messages sent to and from the mobile application?
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Is there a way to cancel package after send.
End user want to cancel sent package.
Thanks, Danish
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Using the .NET sdk, is it possible to update the handover Link after the document has been created and sent to esign.
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Support team says my html template is fine but why is this error showing when an invitation is sent out.
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OneSpan Sign
If I accidentally send a package to the wrong email address or the wrong signer, can I modify the package I already sent? Or do I have to delete it and start over?
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Is it possible to change the email attributes which is sent to the recipients:
Email Subject
Can I add a user for CC in the email (UserName and Email).
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Please let me know whether eSignLive will accept when Owner Signatory Name and Insured name having spaces and sent in the request.
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
I need to set the package expiration date when I submit a package via the REST API with status=SENT. I have found the documentation on how to do this with the SDK but not with REST.