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OneSpan Sign
I had successfully set up a callback on Package Completed in my Development environment that worked fine, now I have moved to a beta test server that is using SSL and the call back is failing?
In the Sandbox I have a url https://myurl
and I have a Callback Key
But my last two test sent an
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Use the .NET sample code https://developer.esignlive.com/guides/feature-guides/document-extraction/
to generate eSign. The field name is [Client1.Capture1] with field type is 'Signature' in PDF file.
But get error message
Silanis.ESL.SDK.EslServerException: Could not send the package.
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Intelligent Adaptive Authentication
I am getting following error while trying to update the expiry date of a package
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OneSpan Sign
When sending some eSignLive packages (.NET SDK), here is the error message I receive for some of the packages I send (it works for others :-S)
What does it mean that my document could not be flattened ?
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Hi we are using an in house install of the evidence api
https:// [server] /evidence/api/v2/{guid}pdf/false
https:// [server] /evidence/api/v2/{guid}/html/false
while running some tests, we are seeing the following error, could you please help with info on how to resolve this error:
{"data":"A PDF
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
I am getting the following error. I'm using the code in a Salesforce Flow. This works perfectly in the first sandbox. But I'm beginning to move this to production and something is not working. I've spent about 4 hours trying to figure this out with no luck.
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Intelligent Adaptive Authentication
I don't know if this is the right place, but...
I have test installation of IAS 3.14.xx on Windows 2016. I wanna migrate it to Centos 7 and then upgrade it to 3.21
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OneSpan Sign
Hello, I'm attempting to upload a PDF file using :
Upload a New Document through multipart/form-data
Based on this
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OneSpan Sign
We are trying to upload the attached PDF (eF2 - Sign.pdf) to eSignLive as a document to sign. It contains a signature block embedded in it.
The error we get while ww upload it from eSignLive portal (image attached herewith) is the same which we get while we try the same using SDK.
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Reposting from the .Net SDK channel
It seems the issue is because eSignLive is anticipating that the ‘Id’ of the group is the GUID that identifies