182 results matched your search criteria
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OneSpan Sign
Hi, in my paper process, I a have terms and conditions pamphlet I hand out after some signings.
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OneSpan Sign
We're looking for a way for a signer to be able to Decline or Opt-Out from signing, but will still let us complete the package and persist the evidence summary.
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OneSpan Sign
Using REST API to create the package along with the documents and return a response package id. After that, we initiate a REST API signerAuthenticationToken passing packageId and email address of the signer which then redirect to an iframe to begin the signing ceremony.
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
1) in our on-prem version, I don't see the authentication for recipient can use KBA, and also I tried in the sandbox, doesn't see it either. Would you please let me know in which version KBA is available and how to use it?
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
We're working on a workflow that would require our users to upload attachments as part of the signing ceremony (to validate their identity when signing in-person).
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OneSpan Sign
I've noticed that creating documents with names that contain the windows restricted file name symbols ( ":\|/*?> ) will cause the documents to be shown in the signing ceremony and audit information with those symbols replaced by underscores.
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OneSpan Sign
I have been trying to wait to ask more questions and consolidate them in one post for you. Your welcome. :) Regarding the iframe/inperson signing ceremony. In the package API that we send to eSignLive to create the signing ceremony iframe, is an email address for each signer required?
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Hey there,
im having a problem with IsRequired propertie:
1 - Through the management console I created a DocumentTemplate (X) where I define all the fields and properties such as IsRequired.
2- Using the API im building a DocumentPackage where I upload a Document and I apply the template X.
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
I have been getting some requirements questions recently related to what our options are for customizing the look/feel of the signing ceremony.
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OneSpan Sign
With the default security settings on Safari "Allow from Current Website Only", our application is unable to open either the designer or signing ceremony windows in an iframe. The problem seems to be in setting/creating a cookie.