107 results matched your search criteria
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OneSpan Sign
Can I create packages programmatically using the same sender email address? And then show the designer view with that same sender email address in multiple browsers?
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
our client tried to delete account in the Owner account via Sender UI, after he clicked 'x' (delete) button, nothing happened in the GUI, but we found there is error in the log, any idea?
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
when I tried to create a package using API call to my sender account (not the owner), even in the header, I put the sender API key there, but I got error message as
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
This API call requires {senderId} but when I use my "name" or "email" it does not work, nor does it work for any other value I could think of to try. The documentations says "The unique sender id" but what is that value? where does it come from? where is it on a screen?
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OneSpan Sign
I am unable to manually add a sender to the account using the instructions found here: https://community.onespan.com/documentation/onespan-sign/guides/connector-guides
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OneSpan Sign
I'm unable to remove a sender from our sandbox account. I'm able to log in as the account that i want removed and I've verified that there aren't any transactions. I've deleted them all and I don't see any drafts or archived transactions either. Whenever I try to delete from the
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OneSpan Sign
I found the 'search' function is in different place when user login the account. I assume this's account setting different, if so, could you please let me know what setting is impacting the behavior?
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Is there a limit on the number for senders for
1. a US PROD account .
2. a US Sandbox account