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OneSpan Sign
Below are the step we use for hand drawn signature capture using api
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OneSpan Sign
What parameter can I use on a capture tag, to set the fromfile value to true.
I cannot find it anywhere. This is what I've tried, but it is not a valid parameter:
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OneSpan Sign
I am working on a package that has both captures on one document. I'm using the handdrawn value for one and the fromfile for the other.
On the first approval using the handdrawn value, it works fine. I then go onto the fromfile capture approval and it works fine.
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OneSpan Sign
For integrated signing (e.g.
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OneSpan Sign
With the new FromFile aspect of things, is it possible to have 2 captures on one document? Can I have one fromfile capture and then one capture that is loaded from the handdrawn element?
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OneSpan Sign
Can a document filename refer to a file on a network drive as in the following:
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OneSpan Sign
Hi There,
I am working on creating a package with a document that has an Id assigned to it:
.withDocument( newDocumentWithName( "Second Document" )
.fromFile( "src/main/Resources/document.pdf" )
.withId( documentId )
I was wondering if this Id needs to be globally unique amo
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OneSpan Sign
I am trying to create a document with editable field which user will fill it out. But I cant find how to do it.
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OneSpan Sign
Hi, I'm trying to have my signature field and the date extracted from my PDF document.
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OneSpan Sign
We are trying to integrate our application to esign live and noticed that opt-out option is not displaying on the esign ceremony.