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OneSpan Sign
I am trying to automation for my process. I idea here is to differentiate a PDF form b/w signed vs non-signed. Which languages can be used on what is the logic behind it?
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OneSpan Sign
I got a problem in the Guatemala country, because I need to get all packages signed by 2 people, buy I need to understand if is it possible to get the 2nd signer automated (the account owner)
Could some help me?
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OneSpan Sign
I am using "OneSpan for Salesforce" and creating package through automation(button--visualforce page--OneSpan sign)
I am having 4 Text Tags(Type- Static Position) for Signer 1:
A)Text Tag 1:
eSign field name: "Signature"
B)Text Tag2&Text Tag3&Text Tag4:
eSign field name: "Initials"
The "Te
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
for InPerson signing, we manually launch signing ceremony with
GET https://sandbox.e-signlive.ca/access?sessionToken=token
from Postman, I got the response as sessionId such as
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OneSpan Sign
Hi There,
I am a newbie to eSignLive and is doing some research to see how we can improve our sales process.
Our system currently generates contracts (PDF) dynamically and then email it to customer for signature.
I know that through the eSignLive portal, I can mark up where in the PDF contract cu
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OneSpan Sign
Hi,I'm using OneSpan's workflwo integration with Laserfiche to automate sending documents for signatures.
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OneSpan Sign
Hi there!!!.
We are working with automations with OS.... and how to handle some scenarios where we need to define where to place the “signature” using a fixed position .
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
Hello, I was able to create an URL Snippet to automatically create a package from a convention. However, in my use case, I would like the URL to create the package and automatically allow the signer to sign in person.