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OneSpan Sign
is there any api to delete multiple rules in single rest api call
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OneSpan Sign
Apart from the feature guides, where can I find the complete documentation for all the REST API features available?
In some cases, I found different examples, and the URI was different.
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OneSpan Sign
I have looked at the REST API documentation (http://docs.e-signlive.com/mc/content/c_esignlive_integrator_s_guide/rest_api/packages.htm#) but it doesn't seem to have a REST API to retrieve a package from eSignLive say based on the package id
Can you please confirm on this and suggest alternate
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OneSpan Sign
Can we send mail in cc to another user when package is send using rest api, when singer get's mail at same time cc mail goes to another email can we do that using Rest API.
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OneSpan Sign
Hi Team,
Could you help me with API/JSON format to draw on a signature field .
Appreciate your help.
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OneSpan Sign
With this https://www.esignlive.com/blog/e-signlive-how-to-setting-up-callbacks/ , it looks like callbacks can be setup via code rather than through the eSign Admin UI. Do you setup this callback each time a package for is created?
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Intelligent Adaptive Authentication
I have created a OneSpan community account but could not get an access to the features of the Sandbox API. How can I get access to it?
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OneSpan Sign
We have implemented the Reminder emails to the signers by given API and refering the below link:
Reference link:
Setting Reminders Guide
Currently we are getting the reminder emails not on the next day.
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OneSpan Sign
I've heard email mentioned as an alternative to using the REST API to retrieve completed packages. We have the ability to create an email address and any attachments sent to that email address get imported directly into our imaging system.
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OneSpan Sign
POST /account/senders/{senderUid}/resetpassword
I'm using the above with the REST API to attempt to reset passwords for senders in an account.