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OneSpan Sign
Hello i have registered callback url with this code and it's registered successfully
i in response json on callbackurl i have get the {} dict when package is created.
is there sometinh missing???
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OneSpan Sign
Our main use case is for our system to wait for document signing to get completed and for this, we rely heavily on eSignLive callback notifications. Typically, we receive the callbacks with just a few seconds delay upon actual signing.
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OneSpan Sign
As per https://community.onespan.com/documentation/onespan-sign/guides/feature-guides/developer/setting-callback-notifications,
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OneSpan Sign
I have created a .Net web application to receive posts from the eSignLive server to handle event notifications (PACKAGE_CREATED, DOCUMENT_SIGNED, etc.) I am successfully receiving the events, parsing the Json posted to me, and handling the events.
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OneSpan Sign
We would like to use the signer_complete event notification so that we get notified on when a signer for a given package has completed signing.
Below is the event that we receive but the event has no indication of which signer signed it.
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OneSpan Sign
I have a created a transaction and assigned to it a Sender (different from the Owner).
As such, callback errors are being sent in emails to the sender. Is it possible to add a configuration so that the owner receives those emails as well?
Thank you
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OneSpan Sign
I am successfully receiving events in Salesforce for transactions I created in the OSS portal but not for any packages I create via the SDK. Is there something I need to set when I create packages via APEX?
I noticed this comment in your blog series on Salesforce events:
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OneSpan Sign
Getting error for all our sandbox (Invalid JSON.) and callback URL is Empty
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OneSpan Sign
I want to update the status in my database as soon as user sign the document. I haven't found code to get the status as soon as signer sign the document. I did register all the even using callback example code.
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OneSpan Sign
We're trying to implement OneSpan Sign, but in the process of using Apex SDK, we noticed that Callback Event Notifications are not getting created for the transaction. If we create the transaction manually in Salesforce, event notifications are created for the transaction.