5 results matched your search criteria
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OneSpan Sign
Hello, I'm trying to figure out how to program a page on my IIS server to handle event notifications.
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OneSpan Sign
I want to update the status in my database as soon as user sign the document. I haven't found code to get the status as soon as signer sign the document. I did register all the even using callback example code.
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
I am successfully receiving events in Salesforce for transactions I created in the OSS portal but not for any packages I create via the SDK. Is there something I need to set when I create packages via APEX?
I noticed this comment in your blog series on Salesforce events:
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
The Creating a Callback Notification Listener guide says I have put a callback URL. Is there a way to test the integration of Event callbacks in a local environment?
Forum topic
OneSpan Sign
We are not receiving event notification (Decline, package complete, …etc) from OneSpan sandbox. A few years ago, it was set up for both the production and sandbox environments. All is well with production; just the Sandbox has stopped operating.