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Intelligent Adaptive Authentication
The sandbox documentation is available in an OpenAPI format. You can simply find it by going to the following URL: https://<tenant-id>.sdb.tid.onespan.cloud/v1/tid-api.json.
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OneSpan Sign
Dear Champs,
I'm looking for REST API POSTMAN collection for GET https://sandbox.esignlive.com/api/packages/{packageId}/documents/{documentId}/pdf
Also advise where can we get packageId and documentId?
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OneSpan Sign
I'm trying to get a senders API Key for CA production do I have postman created correctly?
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Intelligent Adaptive Authentication
Is it possible to add a download postman json package link to the API page with the examples used in the API page?
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OneSpan Sign
Canada SBX = sandbox.e-signlive.ca
API = /apitoken/clientApp/accessToken
header fields Accept + Content-Type ( both set to application/json )
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OneSpan Sign
Hey guys,
I'm trying to put together the following flow:
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OneSpan Sign
in our IT-system(SAP) we have the PDFs, that we want to send to OneSpan, stored in a table in binary format.
Since we don't have the actual file... how can I implement an example in Postman?
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OneSpan Sign
How do I configure the multipart request to create a package and send in attachments in a single call?
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OneSpan Sign
I seem to be getting a 500 when I try to upload a new document.
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OneSpan Sign
POST /apitoken/clientApp/accessToken endpoint not working on Vancity SBX. Host portion is fine as it works with GET /api/sysinfo endpoint.