Database setup

If you are using the embedded MariaDB database, no further manual setup is required. Database installation and configuration will be handled by the installation script.

The following checklist contains the key database decisions to make before you start.

Database location and setup

Finalize the following details for the ODBC database to be used:

  • The server on which the database will be located.
  • Whether or not OneSpan Authentication Server should be stored in a new database, or added to an existing database.
  • Type of database to be used.
  • Whether or not a new schema will be used.

New database

Decide the collation sequence to be used, e.g. case-sensitivity and data encryption options.

Database user accounts

Create or select database user accounts for:

  • Modifying the database schema (database administrator account required).
  • OneSpan Authentication Server. For more information about required permissions, refer to the OneSpan Authentication Server Administrator Guide.