Upgrade paths

You can upgrade from OneSpan Authentication Server 3.24.3 or 3.25.0 to OneSpan Authentication Server 3.26 on the supported 64-bit Linux distributions (see OneSpan Authentication Server – Supported upgrade paths).

It is not possible to upgrade OneSpan Authentication Server directly from versions other than version 3.24.3 or 3.25.0. If you are running earlier versions of Identikey Server / OneSpan Authentication Server, you must first upgrade to OneSpan Authentication Server version 3.24.3 or 3.25.0 before upgrading to OneSpan Authentication Server 3.26.

OneSpan Authentication Server – Supported upgrade paths

OneSpan Authentication Server – Supported upgrade paths

Upgrade paths with SSM/HSM

If OneSpan Authentication Serveris configured to use a software security module (SSM) or a hardware security module (HSM), the following upgrade paths are supported:

  • OneSpan Authentication Server 3.24.3 or 3.25.0 with SSM to OneSpan Authentication Server 3.26 with SSM
  • OneSpan Authentication Server 3.24.3 or 3.25.0 with SSM to OneSpan Authentication Server 3.26 with Entrust nShield HSM
  • OneSpan Authentication Server 3.24.3 or 3.25.0 with SSM to OneSpan Authentication Server 3.26 with Thales ProtectServer HSM
  • OneSpan Authentication Server 3.24.3 or 3.25.0 with Entrust nShield HSM to OneSpan Authentication Server 3.26 with Entrust nShield HSM
  • OneSpan Authentication Server 3.24.3 or 3.25.0 with Thales ProtectServer HSM to OneSpan Authentication Server 3.26 with Thales ProtectServer HSM