dpdbadmin addschema

The dpdbadmin addschema command is used to create all required tables in an existing database, if they are not already there. Each table will be checked individually to see if it is already there and if not, will be added.


dpdbadmin addschema –d dsn [OPTION]...

where dsn is the ODBC data source name.

Command-line options

dpdbadmin addschema command-line options
Option Parameter Description
‑case case

Use case for the user IDs and domain names stored in the database. If required, user IDs and domain names from other sources will be converted to match the case used in the database (Default: lower).

Possible values:

  • lower
  • mixed (no conversion)
‑d, ‑dsn dsn Required. ODBC data source name (DSN), e.g. "IAS embedded database".
‑domain domain Use domain as the master domain (Default: master). If the domain does not already exist, it is created.
‑h, ‑help   Show help and usage information.
‑l, ‑log logfile Write output to logfile.
‑noserver   Do not create the main tables used by OneSpan Authentication Server. Use this if you only want to install the tables necessary for auditing.
‑nouser   Do not create the user table. This option is currently not supported.
‑p, ‑password dbpassword

Optional. Password of the database administrator.

This option can be omitted if the database administrator account has a blank password.

‑q   Quiet mode. Do not output commentary text.
‑u, ‑user dbusername Optional. User name of a database administrator (if required).
‑unlockdb   Unlock a database synchronization lock used to protect the database schema against concurrent schema modifications.
‑utf8factor factor

On certain databases (such as Oracle), column sizes are specified in bytes, not characters, by default. When UTF-8 encoding is used to store data, for full Unicode support, one character may be represented as more than one byte. Normally, 2 or 3 characters are used, depending on the language, but in some cases, 4 characters are required. If your data will include a lot of non-English characters, you can increase the size of certain columns by factor to allow for the extra bytes.

factor should be 2, 3, or 4. Typically, 3 is sufficient. The columns affected by this are the user name (not user ID) and various Description fields.

On other databases, column sizes are specified in characters, and this parameter is not needed.

‑v, ‑verbose   Print verbose output. Can be specified twice to be more verbose.
‑vdsadmin tablename Alternative name for the administrator table to be created (Default: vdsAdmin).
‑vdsadmindomains tablename Alternative name for the administrator domain table to be created (Default: vdsAdminDomains).
‑vdsauditmsg tablename Alternative name for the organizational unit table to be created (Default: vdsAuditMsg).
‑vdsauditmsgfield tablename Alternative name for the organizational unit table to be created (Default: vdsAuditMsgField).
‑vdsbackend tablename Alternative name for the back-end server table to be created (Default: vdsBackEnd).
‑vdsconfiguration tablename Alternative name for the configuration table to be created (Default: vdsConfiguration).
‑vdscomponent tablename Alternative name for the component table to be created (Default: vdsComponent).
‑vdscontrol tablename Alternative name for the control table to be created (Default: vdsControl).
‑vdsdigipass tablename Alternative name for the authenticator table to be created (Default: vdsDigipass).
‑vdsdomain tablename Alternative name for the domain table to be created (Default: vdsDomain).
‑vdsdpapplication tablename Alternative name for the authenticator application table to be created (Default: vdsDPApplication).
‑vdskey tablename Alternative name for the key table to be created (Default: vdsKey).
‑vdsofflineauthdata tablename Alternative name for the offline authentication data table to be created (Default: vdsOfflineData).
‑vdsorgunit tablename Alternative name for the organizational unit table to be created (Default: vdsOrgUnit).
‑vdspendingoperation tablename Alternative name for the pending operation table to be created (Default: vdsPendingOperation).
‑vdspersistentcache tablename Alternative name for the persistent cache table to be created (Default: vdsPersistentCache).
‑vdspolicy tablename Alternative name for the policy table to be created (Default: vdsPolicy).
‑vdsdpsoftparams tablename Alternative name for the authenticator soft parameter table to be created (Default: vdsDPSoftParams).
‑vdsreport tablename Alternative name for the report table to be created (Default: vdsReport).
‑vdsreportfield tablename Alternative name for the report field table to be created (Default: vdsReportField).
‑vdsreportformat tablename Alternative name for the report format table to be created (Default: vdsReportFormat).
‑vdsstoredreport tablename Alternative name for the stored reports table to be created (Default: vdsStoredReport).
‑vdstask tablename Alternative name for the task table to be created (Default: vdsTask).
‑vdsuser tablename Alternative name for the user table to be created (Default: vdsUser).
‑vdsuserattr tablename Alternative name for the user attribute table to be created (Default: vdsUserAttr).
‑y, ‑assume‑yes   Run the command non-interactively and assume Yes as answer to all confirmation prompts.

Exit codes

dpdbadmin addschema exit codes
Exit code Description
0 The command completed successfully.
1 The command has been aborted by the user.
2 The command failed due to an unspecified error.
3 The specified parameters are invalid.
4 The command failed due to an error.
5 The database authentication failed.
9 The data version is higher than the product version (unsupported) or missing.
10 The schema version does either not match the current or a compatible product version (unsupported) or is missing. The schema cannot be directly upgraded to the current product version.
11 Server data migration for the installed product version has not been completed yet.


To add a schema to the database using the data source name IAS embedded database and the user credentials digipass and digipassword type:

dpdbadmin addschema –u digipass –p digipassword –d "IAS embedded database"