Setting up VACMAN Middleware 3.0 policies

Policies used by VACMAN Middleware 3.0 cannot be used in OneSpan Authentication Server. Currently, it is not possible to automatically convert VACMAN Middleware 3.0 policies to OneSpan Authentication Server 3.26 policies.

If you are upgrading from VACMAN Middleware 3.0, you will need to manually re-create all your policies in OneSpan Authentication Server.

To create a policy in OneSpan Authentication Server

  1. Log on to the Administration Web Interface.
  2. Navigate to Policies > Create.
  3. Open the Create new Policy menu.
  4. Enter a Policy ID and select a base policy from which to inherit in the Inherits From list.
  5. Click Create.
  6. Click Click here to manage policy_id to edit the settings of the policy just created.

To edit a policy in OneSpan Authentication Server

  1. Log in to the Administration Web Interface.
  2. Navigate to Policies > List.
  3. Click on a policy you wish to edit.
  4. Switch to the tab where you wish to edit the settings.
  5. Click Edit and apply your desired settings.
  6. Click Save.

OneSpan Authentication Server provides a list of pre-loaded policies you can edit, copy, or inherit from. For more information about the default and non-default settings of these policies, refer to the OneSpan Authentication Server Product Guide.