dpdbadmin addindex

The dpdbadmin addindex command adds indexing on searchable fields to enhance report performance. If this command is run against the your database it will have a minor effect on authentication performance. Increasing the level of indexing will negatively affect authentication performance.


dpdbadmin addindex –d dsn –level lvl [OPTION]...


  • dsn is the ODBC data source name.
  • lvl is the level of indexing to apply; this should be 0, 1, or 2.

Command-line options

Table: dpdbadmin addindex command-line options
Option Parameter Description
‑audit   Modify indexing for the audit message table.
‑auditfields   Modify indexing for the audit fields table.
‑d, ‑dsn dsn Required. ODBC data source name (DSN), e.g. "IAS embedded database".
‑h, ‑help   Show help and usage information.
‑l, ‑log logfile Write output to logfile.
‑level level

Required. Set the level of indexing to apply.

Possible values:

  • 0. Do not apply any indexing to searchable fields.
  • 1. Apply standard reporting indexing to searchable fields.
  • 2. Apply full reporting indexing to searchable fields.
‑p, ‑password dbpassword

Optional. Password of the database administrator.

This option can be omitted if the database administrator account has a blank password.

‑q, ‑quiet   Quiet mode. Do not output commentary text.
‑u, ‑user dbusername Optional. User name of a database administrator (if required).
‑v, ‑verbose   Print verbose output. Can be specified twice to be more verbose.

Index levels 1 and 2 are not available on the auditfields table if the database is Microsoft SQL Server. This is due to an index size limitation which exists within Microsoft SQL Server.

However, index levels 1 and 2 are available on the audit table on Microsoft SQL Server.

Exit codes

Table: dpdbadmin addindex exit codes
Exit code Description
0 The command completed successfully.
1 The command has been aborted by the user.
2 The command failed due to an unspecified error.
3 The specified parameters are invalid.
4 The command failed due to an error.
5 The database authentication failed.


To add an index of level 1 to the database using the data source name IAS embedded database and the user credentials digipass and digipassword type:

dpdbadmin addindex –u digipass –p digipassword –d "IAS embedded database" –level 1