dpdbadmin scheduleauditpartitioning

The dpdbadmin scheduleauditpartitioning command is used to have new partitions for the audit tables (vdsAuditMsg, vdsAuditMsgField) created on a daily basis in the future. It creates a stored procedure that is scheduled to run automatically each day at a specified time. This is required, because MariaDB does not create such partitions automatically.

Execute this command after you have created the partitions for the existing data using dpdbadmin partitionaudittables (see dpdbadmin partitionaudittables). You can schedule new partitions to be created only if you initially created partitions on a daily basis (with ‑range daily). If you created partitions on a monthly basis (‑range monthly), at the maximum 12 partitions in total will be kept. As a consequence you cannot use dpdbadmin scheduleauditpartitioning to automatically create additional partitions.

This command is only supported for MariaDB. The stored procedure is triggered by a database event, which requires the event scheduler to be running. If the database event scheduler is disabled, dpdbadmin scheduleauditpartitioning issues a respective warning.


dpdbadmin scheduleauditpartitioning –d dsn –scheduletime time[OPTION]...

where dsn is the ODBC data source name.

Command-line options

Table: dpdbadmin scheduleauditpartitioning command-line options
Option Parameter Description

‑d, ‑dsn


Required. ODBC data source name (DSN), e.g. "IAS embedded database".

‑h, ‑help   Show help and usage information.
‑l, ‑log logfile Write output to logfile.
‑p, ‑password dbpassword

Optional. Password of the database administrator.

This option can be omitted if the database administrator account has a blank password.

‑q   Quiet mode. Do not output commentary text.
‑scheduletime time

Required. Specifies the time (UTC) of the day when a new daily partition should be created. Set this to a daytime in the future.

Format: hh:mm

‑synctimeout timeout The timeout in seconds to synchronize with other dpdbadmin instances.
‑u, ‑user dbusername Optional. User name of a database administrator (if required).
‑unlockdb   Unlock a database synchronization lock used to protect the database schema against concurrent schema modifications.
‑v, ‑verbose   Print verbose output. Can be specified twice to be more verbose.

Exit codes

Table: dpdbadmin scheduleauditpartitioning exit codes
Exit code Description
0 The command completed successfully.
1 The command has been aborted by the user.
2 The command failed due to an unspecified error.
3 The specified parameters are invalid.
4 The command failed due to an error.
5 The database authentication failed.


To add the stored procedure to the database and schedule it to run each day at 20:00:

dpdbadmin scheduleauditpartitioning –d "IAS embedded database" –scheduletime 20:00

Additional considerations

You can remove the partitions and merge the data back into one big table again using the dpdbadmin removeauditpartitioning command (see dpdbadmin removeauditpartitioning). This will also delete the stored procedure created by dpdbadmin scheduleauditpartitioning.