ikconfigwizard (Application)

The OneSpan Authentication Server Configuration Wizard application is used for the initial configuration during installation or upgrade as well as for several maintenance tasks.

Depending on the platform, the Configuration Wizard is available as a console version and/or GUI version.


ikconfigwizardconsole [OPTION]…

ikconfigwizardgui [OPTION]…

Command-line options

Table: ikconfigwizard command-line options
Option Parameter Description
‑ao, ‑‑advanced_odbc   Run in advanced ODBC installation mode.
‑x, ‑‑export answers_file Run and save installation settings specified in the UI to answers_file.
‑h, ‑‑help   Show help and usage information.
‑i, ‑‑import answers_file Run in unattended mode and read installation settings from answers_file.
‑‑noservice   Run normally, but do not configure any services.
‑s, ‑‑simple   Run in basic installation mode.
‑t, ‑‑trace  

Enable full tracing to default trace file. Can be omitted, if ‑‑tracefile is used.

If neither ‑‑trace nor ‑‑tracefile is specified, no tracing information is written.

‑tf, ‑‑tracefile tracefile

Enable full tracing. Tracing information is written to tracefile

If neither ‑‑trace nor ‑‑tracefile is specified, no tracing information is written.

-k, --utilconfig file_path The path and file name of the Configuration Wizard configuration file.
‑v, ‑‑validate answers_file Validate the specified installation settings from answers_file.

Exit codes

Table: ikconfigwizard exit codes
Exit code Description
0 The command completed successfully.
1 The command has been aborted by the user.
2 The command failed due to an error.
3 The specified parameters are invalid.
4 The command failed because an external application or command failed, e.g. dpdbadmin.
5 The file access has been denied, e.g. to the trace or configuration file.
6 The command failed due to a license error.
7 The existing configuration file is invalid.
8 The database schema could not be applied or upgraded.
9 The specified answers file is invalid.

If you run ikconfigwizardgui.exe from a Command Prompt window on Windows, you will receive the correct exit code only if launching the application via start:

start /w ikwizardgui.exe …


To run the Configuration Wizard for initial configuration (basic installation) and create an answers file:

ikconfigwizardconsole ‑s ‑‑export=answers.ini

To run the Configuration Wizard for initial configuration (advanced ODBC) with full tracing to custom trace file:

ikconfigwizardconsole ‑ao ‑‑tracefile=/tmp/tracefile.log