Tracing message types

Tracing messages are divided in to the following types:

Table: Tracing message types
Message type code Description Examples
[CRITC] Critical error/warning  
[MAJOR] Major error/warning [MAJOR] > Failed to execute command. Error <Action denied:The static password was incorrect>
[MINOR] Minor error/warning [MINOR]> Cannot get License Key from Component record
[CONFG] Configuration/initialization

[CONFG] > ODBC Database audit plugin is successfully loaded

[CONFG] > Component cache configured as:

  • max age : 900
  • max size : 1000
  • clean threshold : 800
  • min clean interval : 60
[ALERT] Alerts [ALERT] > disconnecting from server.
[INFO] Informational messages

[INFO] > Audit: {Info} {Initialization} {I-002002} {The DIGIPASS Authentication library has been initialized succssfully.}

[INFO] > Creating DIGIPASS object.

[VINFO] Verbose informational messages

[VINFO] > Event log source is < 3 {Application}>

[VINFO][ODBCConnection::OpenConnection] > Established connection to ODBC database

[DATA] Data tracing [DATA] > Prepared SQL statement "SELECT vdsDomain, vdsDescription, vdsCreateTime, vdsModifyTime FROM vdsDomain ORDER BY vdsDomain"
[TEMP] Temporary data values [TEMP] > Updated list is <APPLI 1>
[RESRC] Resource usage [RESRC] > Socket <0> Bound to < : 20006>
[DEBUG] Debugging (useful for support purposes)

[DEBUG] > Registering Binary <D:\Program Files\VASCO\\Bin\dpaudit.dll> with Event log <Application> for Source < 3 {Application}>

[DEBUG] > Committed transaction

[SECUR] Security messages, messages that may contain security sensitive data  
[LOCAT] Stack location


Encoding of string: UTF-16LE

[COUNT] Reference count