DIGIPASS – License Information (tab)

The DIGIPASS > License Information tab contains the license information for the selected authenticator.

Administration Web Interface displays this information only if a master activation application is linked to the authenticator, i.e. where the instance is a license. When the selected instance is not an authenticator license, this tab is not available.

Table: DIGIPASS – License Information tab
Field name Description

License Activation Limit

The maximum number of activations for an authenticator license.

Activation Count

This counter tracks the total number of activations that were performed for this authenticator when an activation code was generated. The activation count also includes not completed activation attempts for which an activation code was generated.

Activations Remaining Number of remaining allowed activations.
Activation Message
Challenge Generated At The date and time, when Activation Message 1 was generated. If Activation Message 1 was never generated, Never is displayed as field entry.
Provisioning Activation Count

This count limits the number of activations, when activating an authenticator with the provisioning command.

If the maximum number of activations has been reached, no further authenticator instances are created.

This value is reset to 0 by the Reset Activation command

Available actions

  • Reset Activation. Use this to reset the activation details to zero if the maximum number of attempts or locations has been exceeded.
  • Show Activations. Use this to show all authenticator instances that were activated using this authenticator license.

For more information, refer to the OneSpan Authentication Server Administrator Guide, Section "User and authenticator administration and provisioning".