Global ConfigurationCache (tab)

The SERVERS > Global Configuration > Cache tab contains solution-wide configuration settings for the challenge and provisioning caches that apply to all server instances in a replicated environment.

Table: Global ConfigurationCache tab
Field name Description
Challenge Cache
Maximum Age (seconds)

The maximum age in seconds of items in the cache. Items older than the value provided are deleted from the cache.

Possible values: 1999

Default value: 60

Maximum Size (items)

The maximum number of items kept in the cache.

Possible values: 199999

Default value: 1200

Minimum Cleanup Interval (seconds)

The minimum interval in seconds at which the cache is cleared.

Possible values: 19999

Default value: 120

Provisioning Cache
Maximum Age (seconds)

The maximum age in seconds of items in the cache. Items older than the value provided are deleted from the cache.

Possible values: 1999

Default value: 600

Maximum Size (items)

The maximum number of items kept in the cache.

Possible values: 199999

Default value: 1200

Minimum Cleanup Interval (seconds)

The minimum interval in seconds at which the cache is cleared.

Possible values: 19999

Default value: 600

Signature Cache
Maximum Age (seconds)

The maximum age in seconds of items in the cache. Items older than the value provided are deleted from the cache.

Possible values: 1999

Default value: 60

Maximum Size (items)

The maximum number of items kept in the cache.

Possible values: 199999

Default value: 1200

Minimum Cleanup Interval (seconds)

The minimum interval in seconds at which the cache is cleared.

Possible values: 19999

Default value: 120