Live connection audit method settings

All audit methods share some common settings (see Table: Audit method settings (Common)).

Table: Audit method settings (Common)
Field name Description
Name This the name that will be displayed in the Available Audit Methods list.
Type The type of audit method.
Auditor State
Enabled Determines whether the audit method is enabled or not.
Reject audit message if this method fails Select this checkbox if you want to return an error if this method fails to record an audit message.
Record audit message if no other audit method has recorded it Select this checkbox if messages should only be logged by this auditing method if they have not been previously logged by any other method.
Audit Message Types
Audit Message Types

Select the audit message types that should be logged by this method on the respective events:

  • Error
  • Warning
  • Information
  • Success
  • Failure

Additionally, the live connection audit method has the following settings:

Table: Audit method settings (Live audit)
Field name Description
Live Audit Settings
IP Address The local IP address to use for incoming live audit connections. The Audit Viewer application will connect to this IP address.
Port The local port to use for incoming live audit connections.
Authentication Timeout

The time span (in seconds) until an authentication times out when there has been no activity.

Default value: 60

Max Connections

The number of connections that can be established at the same time. The higher the number, the higher the performance impact.

Default value: 3

If you want to secure the connection with SSL, select Enable SSL and enter the necessary details. Note that SSL will also need to be configured at the OneSpan Authentication Server end.

Table: SSL settings
Field name Description
SSL Cipher Suite Security Level OneSpan Authentication Server supports SSL cipher suites defined under the labels Very High, High, Medium, and Low. For more information, refer to the OneSpan Authentication Server Administrator Guide, Section "SSL cipher suites".
Server Certificate
Certificate File Browse to the location of the SSL server certificate. This file is used by the server to secure the connection.
Password The corresponding password for the certificate file.
Client Certificate Verification
CA Certificate File

Optional. The certificate file used to allow clients to connect via SSL.

Certification authority (CA) files should be located on the same host as OneSpan Authentication Server. If your CA file is located on a network share, you need to copy the file locally before you browse to it and select it.

Require Client Certificate

If you do not require an SSL client certificate, select Never from this list.

If you choose any setting other than Never, you will be required to set a CA certificate file.

Re-Verify on Re-Negotiation Select this checkbox to perform the SSL handshake each time you reconnect. If you reconnect each time you send a message you should leave this box unchecked as it will slow performance.